How to get eth0 and wlan0 back on Ubuntu Mate 18.04?

Liam Proven lproven at
Thu Jan 28 15:52:18 UTC 2021

On Wed, 27 Jan 2021 at 10:20, Bo Berglund <bo.berglund at> wrote:

> So how can I handle the rename of the network and still not destroy whatever the
> existing entry is meant to do?

You just add the commands onto the end.

The kernel takes parameters, just like most Linux (and Windows)
commands take parameters.

For instance, the parameter "nomodeset" tells the kernel not to change
the graphics mode of the console -- in other words to leave it in
whatever mode it starts up.

Compare: "ls -la" -- surely a command you use a lot. Most of us do.

The command "ls" takes a switch following a minus sign. Here you pass
2 after the minus sign: "l" for "long" and "a" for "all". LiSt All
files in Long format.

Let's say you only wanted files beginning with a Q. You'd type:

ls -la q*

... or...

ls q* -la

Doesn't matter.

This is the same.

You can edit the menu entry in GRUB to try this out if you're not
sure. Highlight the Ubuntu line in your GRUB menu and press E for

It shows you the commands GRUB uses to boot Linux. One line is the
kernel. Cursor down to that, add the new parameters on the end, and
press F10 to go.

If it works as you wish, make it permanent by adding them to /etc/default/grub

This is a config file. It does not boot the computer; it's a set of
instructions on how to write the config file for GRUB. So the
parameters go in quotes. Put yours in the same quotes separated by a
space. Before, after, doesn't matter. Just not in the middle of the
existing ones.

Liam Proven – Profile:
Email: lproven at – gMail/gTalk/gHangouts: lproven at
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