Help with storage section for autoinstall

Jerry Geis jerry.geis at
Sun Jan 24 17:53:56 UTC 2021

I am getting "matched no disk" on my storage definition for autoinstall.

This is my storage section:
    version: 1
      - type: disk
        id: sda
        path: /dev/sda
        ptable: msdos
        name: system-disk
        wipe: superblock
        grub_device: true
      - type: partition
        id: sda-sda1
        number: 1
        size: 512MB
        device: sda
        name: boot-partition
        flag: boot
      - type: partition
        id: sda-sda2
        number: 2
        size: -1
        device: sda
        name: root-partition
      - type: format
        id: sda-sda1-fs
        fstype: ext4
        label: boot
        volume: sda-sda1
      - type: format
        id: sda-sda2-fs
        fstype: ext4
        label: root
        volume: sda-sda2
      - type: mount
        id: sda-sda1-fs-mount1
        path: /boot
        device: sda-sda1-fs
      - type: mount
        id: sda-sda2-fs-mount1
        path: /
        device: sda-sda2-fs

when I do dmesg | grep sda
I get all the lines printed. sda is valid and is the disk to be installed

Why is it not matching ?

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