RTR3InitEx failed with rc=-1912 (rc=-1912)

Ralf Mardorf kde.lists at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 22 18:41:46 UTC 2021

Is the package "dkms" installed?

If so run

  dkms status

If not, install dkms.

Is/are the "linux-headers" package/s that fit to the installed kernel/s

If not, install the package/s.

I extracted an Ubuntu download from Oracle for Ubuntu by my Arch Linux
install. Unless I'm missing something, the control file for the Ubuntu
package from Oracle seems only to "recommend" installing the
kernel-headers and dkms isn't mentioned at all. Oracle might build the
modules without dkms. OTOH on Arch Linux I build the modules using dkms.

The recommendation makes sense, since the headers might be
installed, but not by a package.

However, you not necessarily need dkms to build modules, it's just the
most common way to do this. But the linux-headers must be installed,
either by a package or by you, without using a package.


I don't understand why virtualbox from official Ubuntu packages fails
with a version mismatch. I suspect the old modules should be removed by
a hook and the new ones should be build by a hook. This seemingly
failed to work.

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