Filesystem is all of a sudden read only

Noah noah-list at
Fri Jan 22 02:35:31 UTC 2021

Hi there,

I ubuntu 20.04 running on an intel NUC
and I cant seem to figure out after a few days the file system announces 
to me when I attempt to ssh that it is read-only and i am immediately 
logged out when I try to ssh to it.

Any clues what causes this?  Here is an example of an ssh session.
I will try to log in locally next time this happens.


❯ ssh nuc2
Welcome to Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.4.0-62-generic x86_64)

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   System information as of Tue Jan 19 02:52:11 UTC 2021

   System load:                      0.05
   Usage of /:                       30.3% of 1.83TB
   Memory usage:                     4%
   Swap usage:                       0%
   Temperature:                      70.0 C
   Processes:                        449
   Users logged in:                  1

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You have mail.
Last login: Tue Jan 19 02:52:11 2021 from <IP>
(anon):184: read-only file system: 
(anon):13: read-only file system: 

[ERROR]: gitstatus failed to initialize.

   Your Git prompt may disappear or become slow.

   Add the following parameter to ~/.zshrc for extra diagnostics on error:


   Restart Zsh to retry gitstatus initialization:

     exec zsh
/home/noah/.jenv/libexec/jenv-refresh-plugins: line 43: 
/home/noah/.jenv/jenv.version: Read-only file system
zsh: locking failed for /home/noah/.zsh_history: read-only file system: 
reading anyway
Connection to <IP> closed.

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