discussions about intel gpu

Ralf Mardorf kde.lists at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 15 11:56:27 UTC 2021


I forgot to point out, that IIUC while Ubuntu flavours still provide
the "intel" as well as the "modesetting" driver, by default, without a
xorg.conf at all, for GPUs as ours, it automatically does chose the
"modesetting" driver, so in the first place you should get rid of GPU
issues. Some software might require a workaround that seemingly works
for many users, e.g. running "google-chrome-stable --dissable-gpu", to
get rid of issues. It didn't work for me during my Arch Linux test.
However, you could test an Ubuntu 20.10 flavour, that comes with linux
5.8.x, if you need more recent software. Maybe it works for you.

You also could stay with your distro or install any other distro and
without starting X, compile a LTS kernel < 5, maybe even 5.4 still
works, https://www.kernel.org/, so you can use recent software
versions provided for a distro release by packages, just not the kernel
packages, with latest kernel releases > 4 or maybe > 5.4, I don't
remember at what kernel version those issues started.

Testing an Ubuntu flavour without installing it, by using a live
session, does only require a DVD, USB stick or probably a SD.

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