installing ups monitor

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at
Mon Jan 11 13:04:13 UTC 2021

On Mon, 11 Jan 2021 09:55:19 +0000, Hans via ubuntu-users
<ubuntu-users at> wrote:

>From: "Bo Berglund" <bo.berglund at<mailto:bo.berglund at>>
>Date: Sunday, 10 January 2021 at 09:22:41
>To: "ubuntu-users at" <ubuntu-users at<mailto:ubuntu-users at>>
>Subject: Re: installing ups monitor
>On Thu, 7 Jan 2021 22:58:33 -0800, "Bob" <ubuntu-qygzanxc at> wrote:
>>All the talk about needing a ups device I decided to check if my desktop system
>>was using the apc ups I have.  The ups is working but there is no software to
>>shutdown the computer when the battery gets low.  It appears that somewhere
>>along the line the upsmon software got deleted.  So I installed the nut-client.
>There are three RJ45 sockets on the side of the UPS and one is apparently really
>a USB connection to be hooked up using a converter cable supplied with the UPS.
>That cable has an RJ45 in one end (like a network cable) and a USB-A on the
>But how is it used on Ubuntu?
>You often see on UPS boxes old-fashioned RS232-serial interfaces.
>Initially the bulky DB25, or DB9 connectors, but they often use RJ45 connectors, as seen with Cisco and SUN equipment.
>Your cable is (probably) an usb/serial-converter, and is under linux seen as ttyUSB0.
>But no guarantees, ymmv.

No converter in this case (in the cable that is). The cable has an RJ45 in one
end and a simple very thin USB-A in the other. Only wires inbetween.
There is probably a USB interface built into the UPS and wired out to the

But that is not a big problem, since when I plugged it into my Synology DS212j
it immediately recognized that there is an UPS and I could enable it in the
Synology system control panel. Including an UPS server function.

Now I am just scanning through the info I have dug up about connecting an Ubuntu
box to a networked UPS server (like the Synology).
Seems like it is not so complicated but enough so that I need to write notes to

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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