Is 12.04 upgradable?

Robert Heller heller at
Fri Jan 8 17:19:07 UTC 2021

At Fri, 08 Jan 2021 16:31:27 +0100 "Ubuntu user technical support,  not for general discussions" <ubuntu-users at> wrote:

> Robert Heller wrote:
> > Having failed to install 18.04 on my desktop machine (with preexisting
> > Software RAID and LVM),
> > The 18.04 installer images (both desktop
> > and server) fail to install -- the desktop because it lacks the
> > software RAID tools and the server image because it appears to be
> > broken it starts the RAID and sees the LVM, during boot up, but the
> > storage scan fails -- it seems to not like my separate RAID array for
> > my /boot file system -- the Python code crashes.
> Did you try to install 18.04 from the mini.iso? I'm not sure if it would
> work with your setup, but at least it is worth a try. See
> <> for details.

No, I just tried both of the images under  The 
Desktop image was clueless WRT RAID and while the Server image assembled the 
RAID arrays, it crashed when scanning the disks (it did not seem to like the 
RAID array for the /boot file system and crashed).

The 16.04 Server image worked, but was also wonky about the /boot RAID array,
which I worked around. It seems that the "modern" Ubuntu installers are not
happy about having ext2 file systems directly under a Metadata 0.93 software
RAID (this is needed for Grub 1, as used by CentOS 6 and earlier).

> Nils

Robert Heller             -- Cell: 413-658-7953 GV: 978-633-5364
Deepwoods Software        -- Custom Software Services  -- Linux Administration Services
heller at       -- Webhosting Services

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