Favorite on Launcher

Grizzly Real_Grizz_Adams at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Feb 28 15:20:57 UTC 2021

Hi Again

I'm still having trouble putting (wine app) as favorite on the launcher of 

In Bionic I just made a app.desktop file, put it in 


and all went well even when the icon image was on a second drive (it only 
appeared when that drive got mounted)

Searching around on the net I'm told to put the app.desktop in 


but even then nothing shows on the launcher

I know (or think I know) that once it is running I could just right click the 
(tempory?) launcher icon and "Pin favorite"  

My problem is a "Catch 22" the app wont run without cmd line switches. so 
without the app.desktop it wont run and without running (it seems) I cant get 
the app.desktop

Can anyone help

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