SSD support question

rikona rikona at
Sun Feb 21 04:59:57 UTC 2021

On Sat, 20 Feb 2021 15:53:42 -0800
MR ZenWiz <mrzenwiz at> wrote:

> On Sat, Feb 20, 2021 at 2:32 PM rikona <rikona at> wrote:
> >  
> :
> >
> > If other folks have a different favorite SSD, please let me know
> > why you like it...
> >  
> I've been using an SSD as my root drive (contains / but /home and
> everything else is on other disks - all HDDs so far) for at least 2
> years, no problems I've seen at all.  Speedy reliable and big enough
> to handle the job.  It's an Inland Professional (MicroCenter generic
> brand) 240GB SSD.  It was cheap, and it performs extremely well.  With
> Xubuntu 18.04, it would boot from cold to login screen in about 16
> seconds and another 15 to full login screen.  Since 20.04, that first
> interval from boot to login has increased due to the mass of other
> stuff 20.04 does during the boot, but only to about 30 seconds.  I
> haven't timed it recently...
> I have a 1TB Inland Pro SSD in one of my laptops and it boots from
> cold to login in about 20 seconds.
> My LG laptop, which came with a 512GB Samsung NVMe SSD, amazes me.  It
> boots Win10 in 15 seconds flat (I've never seen anything boot Windows
> of any version that fast, not even my VMs), and Xubuntu 20.04 in <7
> seconds including a 3 second delay for the multi-boot prompt.  If you
> can afford Samsung, theirs are excellent.
> I also have Corsair and Patriot SSDs.  The Patriot worked beautifully
> until I replaced it - not because it wore out or anything else - it
> was my Xubuntu 16.04 boot drive.  I replaced it because I wanted a new
> drive in case, when I installed 18.04, I needed to have a 16.04 backup
> handy.  I wound up buying more SSDs than I need, and who knows...
> Never used the Corsair yet - it's next up when I need one.
> (If anyone is curious, I did not replace it when I upgraded to 20.04
> because the online upgrade failed and I didn't want to remove the disk
> just for a new OS, so I installed 20.04 after wiping out the 18.04 /.
> All is well now.)
> Just my $0.02.

Thanks much for the info! It is encouraging to hear that you've had
such good luck with so many different kinds of SSDs. I have some huge
files that I use a lot and I need to speed that up quite a bit. Your
comment about the NVMe is interesting. They can be much faster than a
sata, and that's what I actually wanted to use. But, my hardware is
quite old and the MoBo does not support the kind of PCIE that I need to
run those at high speed. With my MB they wouldn't be much faster than a

You didn't mention doing an update - did you actually do one? The real
need for that is a bit unclear to me, and maybe I don't need to really
worry about it. I have access to a Windows laptop, but it's not clear
to me that you can do an SSD update via a USB connection. Would be nice
to know how I can do an update...

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