User privacy

Ian Bruntlett ian.bruntlett at
Tue Feb 16 19:48:50 UTC 2021


On Tue, 16 Feb 2021 at 19:35, Chris Green <cl at> wrote:

> More to the point, does it *matter* if others can read what's there?
> Everyone in the world is welcome to the contents of my .bashrc file,
> I'd love them to be able to learn any morsels of information they can
> find there.
> Default should be *ALLOW* access, hide the bits you think should be
> hidden.  In a work situation I'd have thought nothing should be
> hidden, what part of your work should be hidden from your colleagues?

Basically, it is a laptop belonging to a mother who also wanted her
daughter to use it to access the Internet. She wants to have her personal
files private from her daughter in that context.
Because she isn't particularly technical, I hope to make the default
situation that the mother's files, by default, are not accessible outside
of her account.

I have told her that if the daughter takes up hacking and has physical
access to the system that it would become pretty difficult to maintain that
privacy. But, assuming the daughter isn't a hacker, just providing a
certain level of privacy would work - I hope.



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