Full upgrade request from Ubuntu updater

REUBY Dianne d.reuby at ntlworld.com
Tue Feb 16 11:50:06 UTC 2021

Apologies to those on the UK list who have already seen this - I posted there by mistake.

I'm running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS which was pre-installed on my laptop when I bought it last year. This week my updater gave me a window with this command, asking of course for my password:

/usr/bin/lubuntu-upgrader --cache-update --full-upgrade

My settings are all updates, check daily, download and install security automatically, display other updates immediately, Livepatch on.

I needed to use the "Show apps" button today, which I rarely do, and saw the full upgrade was still sitting there.

What do I do with this? I don't want to do a full upgrade to Lubuntu, but cancel closes it yet leaves it in my apps.

>From Liam Proven:
Secondly: are you running Ubuntu (i.e. with GNOME) or Lubuntu (with LXQt)?

I'm running Gnome 3.36.8 on Ubuntu.

>From Liam Proven:
Also: is this not just an update to 20.04.02, perhaps?

My version is  20.04.2 LTS


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