Install linux package from source.

Ralf Mardorf kde.lists at
Tue Feb 16 02:23:51 UTC 2021

On Mon, 15 Feb 2021 23:35:50 +0000, Peter Flynn wrote:
>On 15/02/2021 22:22, M.R.P. zensky via ubuntu-users wrote:
>> Hello I am wanting to install a package from source on ubuntu mate.
>> From what I understand I use ./configure.    Then make but my
>> question is where is this package installing? Is it installing to a
>> default location specified by the develper? Is their an option that
>> lets me install it to my directory and if so what is a good directory
>> to install programs?  
>Look at Makefile. it should say in there where the default
>installation directory is.


you can chose a path, when you configure, e.g.

  ./configure --prefix=/usr

so bin/ will be /usr/bin, lib will be /usr/lib etc. or

  ./configure --prefix=/usr/local

which installs bin/ to /usr/local/bin etc. or chose any other prefix

However, "make install" does _not_ install a package. It installs the
files without a package, that would be manageable by a package manager.

There are different ways to build and install a package. The
easiest, but not necessarily the best way is to replace "make install"
by "checkinstall" [1].



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