ZPool not mounting at boot

Ralf Mardorf kde.lists at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 13 08:36:12 UTC 2021

On Sat, 13 Feb 2021 01:45:59 +0100, Liam Proven wrote:
>On investigation, the zpool is not mounting. I can do it manually with
>zpool import vol0 but I should not need this.

"Warning: Do not run zpool import pool! This will import your pools
using /dev/sd? which will lead to problems the next time you rearrange
your drives. This may be as simple as rebooting with a USB drive left
in the machine." -

>Last reboot, it did mount my RAID successfully, but this reboot took
>about 10min

"Your boot time can be significantly impacted if you update your
intitramfs (eg when doing a kernel update) when you have additional but
non-permanently attached pools imported because these pools will get
added to your initramfs zpool.cache and ZFS will attempt to import
these extra pools on every boot, regardless of whether you have
exported it and removed it from your regular zpool.cache." -

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