Is dconf a new idea that no one has taken up, or is it obsolescent, or what?

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Wed Feb 3 17:53:09 UTC 2021

Am Mittwoch, den 03.02.2021, 16:25 +0000 schrieb Chris Green:
> I just discovered that gnucash stores user preferences in
> dconf.  That
> threw me a bit because it's different from just about every other
> Linux program I have ever worked with.
IIRC gconf was developed for GNOME apps around the GNOME2/GTK1.x time
with GNOME3/GTK2 dconf was introduced as a successor. this in turn got
replaced by gsettings nowadays ... depending on the age of an app you
will find all three of them still in use (though i think even in
universe GTK1.x apps are rare noawdays) ...

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