ubuntu 16.04. Change label extreme portable SSD

Ralf Mardorf kde.lists at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 3 13:13:56 UTC 2021

On Wed, 03 Feb 2021 12:25:11 +0100, Uwe Brauer wrote:
>May I ask we you don't use SSD externally? I found the one I used
>considerable faster that my old HDD (ok at least 8 years old)

SMR hard disk drives are inexpensive and reliable drives for data
archiving, backups and to every now and than share data between
computers. I don't use them constantly, hence noise doesn't matter.
While the speed of SSDs is nice, a good reason for me to use internal
SSDs, is to avoid noise without any great effort.

Solid-state drives are expensive. In my experiences they are reliable,
too, but I don't have the decades of experiences with SSDs, that I've
got with HDDs. If a HDD should catch a cold, I likely would notice the
running nose, but I don't know where to look for the nose of a SSD.

What kind of maintenance does an external SSD need? Trimming? Is it
essential to use it more often than a HDD, to grant reliability? Etc.?

Btw. the SMART data base might not help with a SSD. I'm using
Kioxia/Ocz/Toshiba. The vendor provides a Linux tool to get correct
SMART data, to update the firmware, while the SSDs are in use etc.. The
old Ocz Linux tool was directly available by a download, while the new
Kioxia/Ocz tool needs to be copied from a Linux live DVD that is
provided for download. Other vendors don't support Linux that good.
Kioxia doesn't sell SATA SSDs with more than ≈ 1 TiB, but my external
drives should provide ≈ 2 TiB (max. when using MBR ;).

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