Postfix advice requested

Bret Busby bret.busby at
Tue Feb 2 23:21:00 UTC 2021

On 03/02/2021, david <david at> wrote:
> Dear Gurus
> I'm having a problem configuring Postfix on Ubuntu server 20.04, to
> perform as follows:
> I want to accept mail for several domains, let's say:   d1.tld,
> d2.tld, with 'd1.tld' being 'mydomain'.
> Mail for some specific destinations are supposed to be delivered
> locally to designated accounts:
>   mail for a at d1.tld goes to local account 'd1_a'
>   mail for b at d1.tld goes to local account 'd1_b'
>   mail for anyone else at d1.tld goes to 'owner_d1'
>   mail for anyone at d2.tld goes to 'owner_d2'
> To accomplish this, I set values in /etc/postfix/
> mydomain	= d1.tld
> mydestination	= localhost.$mydomain localhost $mydomain
> virtual_alias_domains = d2.tld
> virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtualusers
> The file /etc/aliases contains:
> root: owner_d1
> and the file /etc/postfix/virtualusers contains:
> a at d1.tld	d1_a
> b at d1.tld	d1_b
> @d1.tld	owner_d1
> @d2.tld	owner_d2
> All four linux accounts exist.
> And my problem is that all mail for anyone d1.tld and d2.tld gets
> delivered to owner_d1.
> Can anyone advise me where to look for a solution?
> David

As a suggestion, you might find it worthwhile, to subscribe, and post
Postfix queries, to the Postfix mailing list.

I think that list also has the developer subscribed and, answering
some queries, on that list.

It could also reveal unexpected information, including tweaks, that
you might not otherwise find.

Bret Busby
West Australia

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