ubuntu 16.04. Change label extreme portable SSD

Uwe Brauer oub at mat.ucm.es
Tue Feb 2 11:48:33 UTC 2021

>>> "IB" == Ian Bruntlett <ian.bruntlett at gmail.com> writes:

> Hi Uwe,
> On Tue, 2 Feb 2021 at 10:38, Uwe Brauer <oub at mat.ucm.es> wrote:

>> I just received a scandisk extreme portable SSD.

> <snip!>

> That looks ok, since I need to transfer data between my linux machine
>> and MacBook Air (and maybe even windows machines).
>> What bothers me is the label, since it contains a space (sigh)

> Historically, I would use the GPartEd program. I've also been using GNOME
> disks as well.

I tried that but gparted does not offer me to change the label, so I
might give gnome-disks a try.

> I did some digging around. Ubuntu uses GNOME. GNOME provides "disks"
> (command name: "gnome-disks"). I've used it on occasion and had no
> problems. When I dug around, I found this entry on "askubuntu" -
> https://askubuntu.com/questions/382220/how-to-change-the-default-volume-name-in-the-media-path

> Personally I tend to be very careful when doing this sort of thing. I tend
> to use GPartEd or GNOME Disks rather than the command line, just in case I
> use the wrong command line for the job.

> If you are at all unsure about something, ask here just to make sure things
> will go OK.

> HTH,

> Ian
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