compiling kernel of version one but getting another

Ralf Mardorf kde.lists at
Sun Dec 12 11:21:38 UTC 2021

On Sun, 12 Dec 2021 08:30:12 +0100, daggs wrote:


I can't realy help you with your issues. However, I want to make a few

First off all, don't download a patch without verifying it against a
signed checksum or at least before applying it, take a look at it. In
the past I also didn't verify, but nowadays I verify the downloads
against signed checksums for security reasons. Btw. CPU optimisation
gains more or less nothing, but if you still want it, consider to add it
yourself instead of using a patch.

By the ancient script I posted, I run

 echo "CONFIG_MK8=y" >> .config

before I run 

 make oldconfig

The patch you apply mentions

Small but real speed increases are measurable using a make endpoint
comparing a generic kernel to one built with one of the respective

Those "speed increases" are probably "measurable" but they are unlikely
noticeable. Keep in mind that almost all packages anyway don't use the
latest and greatest CPU features, such as latest .

FWIW I migrated from running

  make oldconfig


  make olddefconfig

a long time ago.

Why do you automatically reply 'n' instead of using defaults for new

I didn't know how dep-pkg works compared to make-kpkg, so I read

When I build kernels, I'm using sources from instead of a
source package. Since you are using a source package, the culprit for
the version mismatch might (or might not) be related to the included
rules file.

When using source packages to rebuild other packages it's working
similar to this

# apt-get source FOO_BAR
# apt-get build-dep FOO_BAR
# mv -vi FOO_BAR-xy/ FOO_BAR-pq
# tar xvjf FOO_BAR-...
# cd FOO_BAR-...

Then you need to edit




before continuing with something similar to

# libtoolize --force --copy --automake
# aclocal
# autoreconf
# debuild -b -us -uc
# dpkg -i

I don't have a clue what you need or don't need to do, when building a
kernel from a source package with dep-pkg, let alone that I didn't know
what the acso.patch actually does, hence I read

If I were in your spot, I would would do one thing after the other.
Don't use tmpfs, don't apply patches, read, test, learn how dep-pkg
actually works and what is and what isn't provided by the source
package, since you don't manually download the vanilla source from


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