fslint on Kub 20.04?
rikona at sonic.net
Tue Aug 24 02:34:06 UTC 2021
On Mon, 23 Aug 2021 16:11:37 -0400
Little Girl <littlergirl at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey there,
> rikona wrote:
> >Just saw a note that said fslint could be installed by doing:
> [SNIP]
> >Some got it to work, others didn't. Would installing python2 do bad
> >things when other python pgms run? ? What do you have to do to make
> >it work? Why might it have failed for some? I'd reeeeeally like to
> >run it - there's nothing that really replaces it. All ideas much
> >appreciated.
> I feel your pain on the loss of FSlint, but I wouldn't recommend
> installing Python 2 to get it to run. This statement by the
> people who create and maintain Python gives some good reasons why,
> with lack of support being the main reason and possible future
> security risks being another:
> https://www.python.org/doc/sunset-python-2/
Thanks - that was a big worry. That approach doesn't sound good.
> In addition, the FSlint home page doesn't say that it's not going
> to be updated, but that's the feeling I get from that page:
> http://www.pixelbeat.org/fslint/
> It looks like it's being replaced by the czkawka project here:
> https://qarmin.github.io/czkawka/
> It's a Rust reimplementation that they say is more actively
> maintained and allegedly easier to install (although having it in the
> package manager would be the easiest). That's not in the Ubuntu
> repositories yet, but perhaps it will be. There are links on that
> page to various installation instructions if you want to try it.
That looks like the way to go. Maybe we can both get back to much of
that old capability after all. :-)
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