Autoinstall help 20.04

Jerry Geis jerry.geis at
Mon Aug 23 18:49:54 UTC 2021

I have autoinstall working - used it several times.

This OLDER PC (zotac machine ID-41) is not doing it though...

Odd thing is it BOOTS up and downloads the live CDROM no problems. Then
later I see the network error message.

2021-08-23 18:15:50,130 -[DEBUG]: retrieving url '
http://MyIp/autoinstall/meta-data' failed: HTTPConnectionPool(host='MyIP',
port=80): Max retries exceeded with url: /autoinstall/meta-data (Caused by
NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at
0x7f9fffb2d790>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Temporary
failure in name resolution'))
2021-08-23 18:15:55,330 -[WARNING]: contents of '
http://MyIP/autoinstall/meta-data' did not start with b'#cloud-config'

My meta-data file is 0 length file as was instructed.

This is my cmdline:
oot=/dev/ram0 ramdisk_size=1500000 nouveau.modeset=0 fsck.mode=skip
autoinstall 'ds=nocloud-net;s=http://MyIp/autoinstall/' ip=dhcp url=
ntu-20.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso cloud-config-url=
http://MyIP/autoinstall/meta-data  --- splash nouveau.modeset=0

I do not see any FAIL in the cloud-init.log file - just the items above.
I see no errors in the boot.log - it shows the live CD being downloaded and

What might I look at here ?
or enable more debug perhaps ?
I dont think its really reading the user-data file. but cannot tell why.


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