fslint on Kub 20.04?

Ralf Mardorf kde.lists at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 23 06:10:12 UTC 2021

On Mon, 23 Aug 2021 07:58:09 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
>On Sun, 22 Aug 2021 22:37:32 -0700, rikona wrote:
>>Just saw a note that said fslint could be installed by doing:
>>$ mkdir -p ~/Downloads/fslint
>>$ cd ~/Downloads/fslint
>>$ wget
>>$ wget
>>$ wget
>>$ sudo apt-get install ./*.deb
>>Some got it to work, others didn't. Would installing python2 do bad
>>things when other python pgms run? ? What do you have to do to make it
>>work? Why might it have failed for some? I'd reeeeeally like to run it
>>- there's nothing that really replaces it. All ideas much
>I don't know if you simply can install the packages from 18.04, but if
>so, you need to download the provided versions.
>With e.g. Firefox take a look at the URLs, or just use
>https://packages.ubuntu.com/ to see what versions are provided by the
>http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/p/pygtk/ doesn't provide
>http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/f/fslint/ doesn't
>provide 2.46-1.
>apt-get does not install from a local path, while dpkg or gdebi or
>apt do so.
>You got informative error messages, didn't you?
>Try downloading the available versions and try to install from the
>local path using an appropriate command.


Those versions were probably provided by an EOL, non-LTS release and
are still available by different URLs, but not by the regular pool


Maybe apt-get for 20.04 can install from a local path, at least older
versions of apt-get can not.

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