boot problem

Bob ubuntu-qygzanxc at
Mon Aug 16 03:23:13 UTC 2021

** Reply to message from Ralf Mardorf via ubuntu-users
<ubuntu-users at> on Thu, 12 Aug 2021 11:34:54 +0200

> PS:
> "It is recommended to always use GPT for UEFI boot, as some UEFI
> implementations do not support booting to the MBR while in UEFI mode." -
> IIUC without "Legacy" compatibility you also need to ensure that the
> drive doesn't use MBR.
> I still format all my drives using MBR. Maybe I should consider to stop
> continuing with this, to avoid issues, if I need a new mobo. Perhaps
> more companies will drop "Legacy" compatibility, too.
> I just had a brief look at
> Maybe it's possible to migrate from MBR to GPT without data loss. I
> don't know. Whatever is claimed by the link, I would backup the
> complete install first.
> There seems to be information related to GRUB, too. That wouldn't help
> me, since I'm using another bootloader, syslinux, but you are probably
> in favour of GRUB.
Thanks for the URL.  That worked to convert the drive from MBR to GPT.  What I
could not do was update grub.  I installed another Ubuntu partition to be able
to get grub updated.  Now I can boot the original Ubuntu partition but it only
boots to a command line not the GUI.

Since this is new hardware, networking does not work.  I assume this is because
the NIC is different on the new system.  How to change the network
configuration to support the new hardware.

Robert Blair

In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm and three or more is a congress. -- John Adams

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