boot problem

Ralf Mardorf kde.lists at
Thu Aug 12 09:03:36 UTC 2021


if the settings don't offer to chose "Legacy", you likely need to
reinstall the bootloader with all that UEFI related things.

I've never done this, since my mobo has got "CSM support" and all kind
of settings/combinations that are "UEFI" and "Legacy" related.

By googling for Lenvo and in particular for your computer, I couldn't
find any information that is clear to me, but I didn't try very hard.

Maybe there's an option for "OS Optimized Defaults". Dunno if it's
really related, but you could test:

"Select OS Optimized Defaults and change the value to Disabled."

Probably your device doesn't provide "Legacy" at all.

"Legacy BIOS Boot Support Removed in Lenovo 2020 products
Legacy BIOS Boot Support Removed in Lenovo 2020 products

Intel previously announced that in 2020 they are phasing out support
for legacy Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) boot mode. This means that
many of the Lenovo products launching in 2020 will no longer support
the Legacy Boot option in BIOS. The only Boot option that will be
supported on those products is Unified Extensible Firmware Interface

"Some Lenovo products shipping in 2020 will support Legacy Boot
(depending on the model), but most will not. Customers may contact a
Lenovo Sales or Support representative to inquire whether the product
they are interested in purchasing supports Legacy Boot."

IOW disabling "secure boot" doesn't grant that "Legacy" is enabled.


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