Wanted: urgent shopping advice for NUC-like desktop

sd tech sdtc at sonicboom.org
Wed Aug 4 13:30:58 UTC 2021

Some of these may work for you.



On 8/4/2021 3:50 AM, M. Fioretti wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 04, 2021 08:31:44 AM +1000, Jared Norris wrote:
> Hi Jared,
> First of all, thanks for describing your specific system: that's
> exactly what I am looking for: more names of specific
> **systems/products** known to work well, so I can search THOSE in
> Amazon, and only compare those results, instead of the many more for
> "NUC" or "minicomputer". Here is the reason, hoping to get similar
> answers:
>> I guess the question is a little unclear. If you have a short list
>> of potential options surely you just purchase the best one you can
>> afford at the time from that list?
> Yes, and no. To begin with "the best one" is always... pretty tricky
> to spot, with something as complex as computers. If that were not the
> case, there would not be so many forums specifically devoted to
> endless discussions on this very topic, each valid only until the next
> marketing cycle.
> Besides that, what I do have now is very different, that is a short
> list of usable potential **sellers**, meaning that I could get a
> computer soon enough for my needs only from Amazon or the closest
> mediaworld store. But even so, there are many tens of products to
> choose from, partly because Amazon's filters really really suck in my
> experience. Without more targeted advice it is really easy to get lost
> among them, and end up with something suboptimal. That, and being in a
> real hurry, is why I am asking certain questions.
> Marco

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