chromium in ubuntu-deb is actually snap package (Was Re: How do we disable the snap stuff)

Ralf Mardorf kde.lists at
Mon Aug 2 09:31:49 UTC 2021

On Sun, 1 Aug 2021 12:54:00 +0200, Liam Proven wrote:
>My colleagues in Nuremberg swear by LEO.


probably to consider for browser usage, at least without advertising
with uBlock Origin for Firefox. It reports 3 blocked items, not
necessarily advertisements, it also counts tracker such as

OTOH the LEO iPad app suffers from ads. Pros and Cons:

+ seemingly very good in providing translations
+ a clear user interface
+ has got a bearable small banner ad

- banner ad is animated
- removing ads only by subscription 7,49 €/Year

! Note, I didn't test offline usage of the LEO app

The mentioned, Linguee, DeepL Translate, Google Translate apps
don't suffer from ads, hence I removed the LEO app.


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