How do I get rid of these?

Gene Heskett gheskett at
Mon Apr 12 01:07:58 UTC 2021

On Sunday 11 April 2021 20:14:11 MR ZenWiz wrote:

> Please see the screenshot at
> My partner is having these obnoxious little windows pop up all over
> her screen and they each have to be clicked on separately to make them
> go away or even just to access what's under them.
> How can I track down where they come from and disable that?
> How can I prevent them from coming back (as a whole)?
> The only method I can think of is:
> 1) close all the tabs one at a time except maybe one known good one.
> 2) clear all browser history (any exceptions?)
> 3) restart the browser from scratch.
> Is there a better or more thorough way?
> This is in Chrome v 89.0.4389.114 on Xubuntu 20.04.2 recently updated.
You are using gmail and google, so they own you and your machine.

First, your own ISP probably has their own mail server, and it may have 
imap capability, mine does.

Second, purge anything chromium related (google wrote it and the 
advantage is all google has free run of your system) from your system 
but download and install dissenter from first.  You may have to 
change your search engine from google to duckduck.go first in order to 

I am using fetchmail to get my mail in imap mode, procmail to drive some 
virus filters and spamassassin, and the r14 version of trinity desktop's 
kmail, which is a fork of KDE 3.5 back when it was good, with 100's of 
bugs fixed since.  Its taken me a while to get it like I like it, but 
today it all just works, except its only 1 button click to run thru each 
of my incoming mails plus 2 more if I want to reply, one to select the 
type of reply, type my reply, and one to send the reply.

I'm a lazy old coot, whats not to like?
> Thanks.
> Mark

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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