How do I get rid of these?

Joel Rees joel.rees at
Mon Apr 12 00:46:30 UTC 2021

Ctrl-W closes the front window in most applications. Many applications will
accept Ctrl-Q to shut down all instances of the application (run from a
particular parent instance).

2021年4月12日(月) 9:16 MR ZenWiz <mrzenwiz at>:

> Please see the screenshot at
> My partner is having these obnoxious little windows pop up all over
> her screen and they each have to be clicked on separately to make them
> go away or even just to access what's under them.
> How can I track down where they come from and disable that?
> How can I prevent them from coming back (as a whole)?
> The only method I can think of is:
> 1) close all the tabs one at a time except maybe one known good one.
> 2) clear all browser history (any exceptions?)
> 3) restart the browser from scratch.
> Is there a better or more thorough way?
> This is in Chrome v 89.0.4389.114 on Xubuntu 20.04.2 recently updated.
> Thanks.
> Mark
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