Will icecat and or iceweasel and or iceape and or icedove be packaged for Ubuntu Linux

Ralf Mardorf kde.lists at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 4 12:15:53 UTC 2021

On Sun, 4 Apr 2021 13:45:35 +0200, Liam Proven wrote:
>life is too short for running my own email server. I have Facebook and
>Twitter. I have MS Edge

Indeed, you can not set up an email server and be done, just think
about the DMARC-RFC-conflict and mailing lists. However, you could chose
a more or less good service. I like riseup, but it might not fit to
everybody's needs ( ralf-mardorf at riseup.net ).

I'll never ever get Facebook or Twitter accounts. Fortunately they are
anyway on the downgrade.

MS Edge is probably the best browser running on my iPad. While Firefox
and some other are not too bad, I can't stand Safari.

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