Upgrade to 20.04.1 disaster

MR ZenWiz mrzenwiz at gmail.com
Wed Sep 30 19:52:10 UTC 2020

I'm not sure if the upgrade completed - it took way too short a time.

When the system came up again,, I observe the following critical problems.

1. The system doesn;'t see my USB WiFi adapter, so I get no internet at all.

2. It also doesn't see about half of my USB devices, and lsusb hangs
with only about 5 or six entries showing.  The one I see is my HP
All-in-One 4654, but not my Brother or any of the flash drives I plug
into the front panel connections.

3. When I try to shut down, it hangs with the message "kvm: exiting
hardware virtualization" - I had no idea I was using kvm at all.

Any suggestions?  I'm working from my laptop, but I absolutely need
the desktop more than anything else.

I'm going to reboot from my 18.04 DVD and see if all the hardware is
still functional, but I can;'t believe that much went south just like



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