Do I need any part of Avahi at all?

Tom H tomh0665 at
Mon Sep 28 23:21:03 UTC 2020

On Mon, Sep 28, 2020 at 1:38 PM Chris Green <cl at> wrote:
> I run several [x]ubuntu systems on a small home LAN. There is a
> separate Raspberry Pi system running dnsmasq to provide local DNS and
> Therefore I don't think I need any part of Avahi, am I right? Can I
> simply uninstall it all? There's avahi-autoipd, avahi-daemon and
> avahi-utils plus some libraries.

avahi makes printing simpler.

I used to use BIND on my home network, but I've repurposed that box,
and I now use "<hostname>.local" for ssh/nfs/etc. Simpler too.

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