Do I need any part of Avahi at all?

Brian ad44 at
Mon Sep 28 18:34:09 UTC 2020

On Mon 28 Sep 2020 at 14:51:52 +0100, Chris Green wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 28, 2020 at 03:25:32PM +0200, Oliver Grawert wrote:
> > hi,
> > Am Montag, den 28.09.2020, 12:35 +0100 schrieb Chris Green:
> > > I run several [x]ubuntu systems on a small home LAN.  There is a
> > > separate Raspberry Pi system running dnsmasq to provide local DNS and
> > > DHCP.
> > > 
> > > Therefore I don't think I need any part of Avahi, am I right?  Can I
> > > simply uninstall it all?  There's avahi-autoipd, avahi-daemon and
> > > avahi-utils plus some libraries.
> > > 
> > all newer "driverless" printers (or rather cups itself) do hard-depend
> > on avahi features. if you plan to use any such printer in your network
> > without a lot of manual tinkering with cups and drivers you probably
> > want to keep it around (though i think installing cups will pull it in
> > via a dependenc anyway) ... otherwise avahi is just for convenience
> > 
> Yes (OP here) cups and some other stuff seem to depend on the avahi
> libararies but one can remove avahi-autoipd, avahi-daemon and
> avahi-utils without any other things going with them.
> So I think I will get rid of them as I have had occasional issues with
> them.

avahi-autoipd: may be used on networks which lack a DHCP server. That
               likely does not apply to you. Most users will not miss
               it. What occasional issues have you had with it?

avahi-utils: if a user does not want to interact with the Avahi daemon,
             this package is not needed. What occasional issues have
             you had with it?

avahi-daemon: allows applications to publish and resolve mDNS/DNS-SD
              records. Most users appreciate and make use of this 
              facility. What occasional issues have you had with it?

These "occasional issues" you have had quite likely do not relate to a
cause originating with any of the packages above.


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