second monitor suddenly not detected

Karl Auer kauer at
Sat Sep 26 23:44:47 UTC 2020

On Sat, 2020-09-26 at 15:15 +0200, Liam Proven wrote:
> By "display manager exited" you mean the GUI crashed?


> Yes, that is not unheard of. Ctrl-Alt-Del will do a quick clean
> reboot.

I did a graceful power-off from a console.

> Hmmm. It could be some kind of config file damage or corruption.

That's my guess, and why I was hoping someone could tell me how to re-
install the graphics layers. I mean  - it happens when installing the
OS for the first time, surely it is possible to repeat the process?

But the request for info on how to do that has been consistently
ignored, leading me to think it isn't possible. Google doesn't help

> Disconnect the cable, both ends, and reconnect it. If it's HDMI to
> HDMI, try reversing the cable.

All already done. No change. The miminal data returned by e.g. xrandr
suggests a driver issue to me, but see above - how do I re-install
them? Remember everything was working perfectly until the GUI crashed.

> So does that mean switching from Wayland to

It means I selected GNOME via the cog icon at login, instead of Ubuntu.

> Silly question: did you reboot?

More often than you can possibly imagine :-)

> Well, you could try the nVidia drivers. That would be my preference.

I think I may have to try that.

Regards, K.

Karl Auer (kauer at

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