speeding up hard drive wipe

J. Paul Bissonnette jpaulb at eastlink.ca
Sat Sep 26 15:10:45 UTC 2020

On Sat, 26 Sep 2020 13:48:58 +0100
Chris Green <cl at isbd.net> wrote:
> I absolutely agree.  I think people have a rather inflated idea of how
> valuable their 'information' is! :-)  Even a disk full of deleted (by
> the OS) files will take a huge amount of time to extract anything
> useful from.
If one is paranoid about data security take a look at the so called
smart phone you use. Everything you do and say can be traced on an
iPhone or Android.

> As another protection I don't save anything like passwords on my
> system, so someone who (for example) extracts the whole of my Firefox
> cache won't find anything useful there anyway.

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