speeding up hard drive wipe

Grizzly Real_Grizz_Adams at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Sep 26 13:11:15 UTC 2020

26 September 2020  at 7:24, Ken D'Ambrosio wrote:
Re: speeding up hard drive wipe (at least in part)

>On 2020-09-25 19:47, Noah wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> I am using the wipe binary to erase a drive.  My hard dive is a 6TB
>> SATA drive sitting in an USB drive box.
>> $ sudo wipe -q /dev/sdc
>> Okay to WIPE 1 special file ? (Yes/No) yes
>> The UI is telling me that it will take over 10 weeks to complete one
>> round of WIPE.

>I've never seen or heard of anyone *actually* recovering data from a 
>drive wiped by a simple overwrite such as dd does.

I don't know about  Ubuntu wiped drives, (and don't know the best app to 
recover data anyway) but I do a regular wipe of (free space) on my windows 
drives (yes I know it "may" reduce disk life) and the other day I ran a 
recovery app to get a recently deleted txt file, app reads header so txt 
includes most text content file types like:- 

text files: txt, html, asp, bat, C, jsp, perl, php, py/emlx... scripts

(that is why I don't usually try for txt type) , long story short, I forgot the 
app was running in the background, and left it for a few hours, it didn't find 
the txt file I wanted, but it did recover a number (in the 1,000's) of other 
files that I had not seen in years, so even after a good wipe it can happen (at 
least on windows)

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