starting and stopping redis

Nicholas Saunders saunders.nicholas at
Fri Sep 25 22:46:56 UTC 2020

On 9/25/20 3:40 PM, Ken D'Ambrosio wrote:
> On 2020-09-25 16:48, Nicholas Saunders wrote:
>> I was unable to start/stop redis using the "service" command below 
>> earlier:
> ...
>> but it seems to be working now.  Is that odd to not be able to use the
>> service command?
>> I earlier tried systmctl as well, no luck at the time.  I had to
>> resort to that first command.  Perhaps using the init.d file (?)
>> explicitly connected up systemctl and service?
> One thing you don't mention is which version of Ubuntu this is.  I 
> wouldn't be terribly surprised for an older version to have issues.  A 
> newer one, though, should be able to cope.  I might suggest looking in 
> the syslog or redis logfile (if there is one) to look for clues.  I'd 
> also recommend going with systemctl, as service is, if not actually 
> deprecated, at least not what systemd uses by default.
> -Ken

It's Ubuntu 20.04, for what it's worth.  I was surprised that systmctl 
didn't work; I'll check the logs as suggested.

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