Ubuntu and Lubuntu 20.04 constant ticking noise on PC's speakers

Ian Bruntlett ian.bruntlett at gmail.com
Thu Sep 24 15:24:39 UTC 2020


A friend of mine from the local LUG mentioned the above bug and I confirmed
it on a Tower PC myself. It has happened on an ASus motherboard for a
gaming computer (Xubuntu) and my HP Compaq dc5700 micro-Tower PC (Ubuntu
20.04, Lubuntu 20.04). It does not occur on my ThinkPad T420 laptop.

I've looked at the instructions on reporting a bug [1] There is no crash to
report and I am unsure what is causing it.

I did notice that if I went to "Settings -> Sound" that the ticking noise
disappeared. So I wrote a small shell script that cured the problem on the
computer I verified the bug on.... here it is... am not a bash expert:-

#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo Shell script $0 to get rid of ticking noise is running.
while true
    echo -e "\aShh..."
    sleep 5

Note the number passed to sleep might have to be updated for your hardware.

That shell script is only useful if you are experiencing the ticking noise.
Otherwise it is plain annoying.

1. What do I file a bug report against?
2. Is anyone else experiencing this bug? Could not find it on LaunchPad.



[1] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs

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