ubuntu 20.04 network/wifi

R C cjvijf at gmail.com
Wed Sep 23 13:44:24 UTC 2020

On 9/23/20 4:59 AM, Wade Smart wrote:
> So you are leaving it actually blank or you are putting in those x's?
> If you leave it actually blank - as in empty - and its not required - then
> it should go but putting in anything is putting in a password to be validated.

well, hope was it was either just not used, the password, or blanl 
meaning ..  "no password"

this is how I made it work (the wireless network/SSID also is a hidden one:

                 "MYSSID\"\n  scan_ssid=1\n# \"hack!": {}

where the '{}'  replaces the password: "passphrase"   leaving it empty, 
or hoping an access point wouldn't use the passphrase doesn't work

Also, the "networking part" doesn't seem to handle hidden networks 'that 
well', that's why the scan/hack


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