Should I split a big (8TB) backup disk into more than one partition, or not?

Charles M chaslinux at
Sat Sep 19 11:07:56 UTC 2020

Agreed. Don't overcomplicate by partitioning the drive. I store media on
our 8TB and just divide it by directory and subdirectory.

I filled my 8TB in 7 months and I'm glad I didn't partition it further. I
compressed the data and saved a tonne of space.

Hoping now that 18TB drives are a thing that the price for 8TB will go down
again and we'll have a backup for our backup.

On Sat, Sep 19, 2020, 6:45 AM Volker Wysk, <post at> wrote:

> Am Samstag, den 19.09.2020, 10:40 +0100 schrieb Chris Green:
> > I am in the process of setting up a new backup system to replace an
> > existing one whose 3TB disk drive is over 50% full now.
> >
> > I have bought an 8TB disk drive for the new system, the system boots
> > and has its OS on a separate drive (i.e. the 8TB drive will be purely
> > for backup, no boot partition, no /usr, no /home).
> >
> > I'm wondering if there's any advantage to splitting the 8TB into a few
> > separate partitions as opposed to one big partition.
> >
> > Obviously one big partition is more flexible in that all the spare
> > space is available 'everywhere' so that pushes towards one big
> > partition.
> >
> > I guess separate partitions might be said to be 'safer' if something
> > goes wrong, a corrupt partition wouldn't lose so much data.  However,
> > unless one duplicates data across partitions I'm not convinced this is
> > a big advantage.
> >
> > As you can see I'm leaning towards one big partition, can anyone see
> > any major disadvantages?
> Splitting the drive will only introduce unnecessary complexity. If
> you split it up, you might (for instance) have trouble when the used
> partition is full. And there is still space in the other partitions.
> I have a external 8 TB drive for backups, which I've made one big
> partition.
> You might want to also create a small partition (5%). Just in case.
> Bye
> Volker
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