Configuring a gateway

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Thu Sep 17 09:37:15 UTC 2020

Am Mittwoch, den 16.09.2020, 17:58 -0700 schrieb david:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > ciao
> >         oli
> Thanks for the 'optional' clue.  I entered wnat you suggested and 
> rebooted.  The command "ip addr" shows the internal controller but
> no 
> IP addresses.  Physically, it's a lightning-to-ethernet dongle with 
> nothing plugged into the ethernet side.  So there's no way to
> confirm 
> that the internal address was indeed assigned.
well, is it seen by the kernel at all ? does it show up in:

cat /proc/net/dev 

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