Upgrade w/Software Updater

MR ZenWiz mrzenwiz at gmail.com
Tue Sep 15 21:01:40 UTC 2020

I know this has been posted a few times, including by me.

It has now been around a month since 20.04.1 was released and I still
do not see an upgrade notice in the Software Updater.

I know things are crazy all over the world right now, and yet I can't
help feeling that this is a considerable delay.

Does anyone have any idea how long it will be before this comes from
Canonical to upgrade from 18.04.x to 20.04.1?

No pressure, I'd just like to know when to expect it, if that is possible.

I appreciate all the great work the Canonical folks have been doing.

It would also be really cool if there was a way to donate money to
Canonical to support their efforts, but I haven't seen that either.

Still looking forward...

Mark Richter, Senior MoTS
Registered Linux User #472807 http://counter.li.org/
FSF Member #12694 http://www.fsf.org

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