ssh "!command" escape sequence - does it work?

Little Girl littlergirl at
Thu Sep 10 15:47:32 UTC 2020

Hey there,

Chris Green wrote:

>In the man page for ssh_config it says:-
>     PermitLocalCommand
>       Allow local command execution via the LocalCommand option or
> using the !command escape sequence in ssh(1).  The argument must be
> yes or no (the default).
>Can anyone point me at something that tells me about "...
>the !command escape sequence in ssh(1)" please.
>I can set the ssh escape character OK using "ssh -e <char>" and the
>sequences listed in the ssh man page work.  However there's nothing
>there about a !command escape sequence.
>I want to run a command at the 'client' end during an ssh session.

Could they be referring to the Bash exclamation point being used as
a NOT operator in combination with the ssh command to determine
whether an escape is needed or not in a conditional statement?

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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