Looking for an image viewer (to compare scaled down digital photos with less image artifacts)

Ralf Mardorf kde.lists at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 9 09:37:46 UTC 2020

On Wed, 2020-09-09 at 11:05 +0200, Volker Wysk wrote:
> You can specify the image scaling method in Edit -> Preferences ->
> Image. You could use a faster, less pretty method than the default.

Yes, I already compared the different methods, with the mentioned

> Try the "Nearest" scaling method (see above).

This does result in moire patterns and other image artifacts.

> Geeqie can handle raw images.

Ok, I missed the plugin.

RAW images compare to the JPEGs when using Gwenview and Geeqie, but look
different when using Digicam. Probably I need to test different bit
depth with Digikam.

However, Geeqie does show how the image gets build instead of just
showing the finished build image, the GTK widget flashes when switching
windows. Gwenview and Digicam are way smoother.

I'm open to suggestions.

At the moment I tend to use Digicam and/or Gwenview.

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