Snaps & flatpacks

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Mon Sep 7 15:12:36 UTC 2020

Am Montag, den 07.09.2020, 16:49 +0200 schrieb Liam Proven:
> I thought Ubuntu did not yet have a containerised full desktop, and I
> think you're confirming that.
not in a usable end-user way ... bot for people mad enough to play with
something experimental i created:

...around last christmas ... :)

(everyhting runs as root in one giant snap package, not really where we
want to go indeed, thus the GDM stuff i posted before, making GDM work
in a half way confined way is really tricky)

we also had a Unity8 based confined desktop called "Ubuntu-Personal"
years ago, based o the phone OS, but the focus shift towards revenue
and away from the phone kind of put that to rest for a while ...

> Like most old Unix hands, I consider it a good idea and probably
> where
> the future will go, but I do not want it myself, thank you. I quite
> like having a machine I can customise. :-)

yeah, there are no plans to replace the existing deb based ubuntu, just
to offer an alternative ...

that said ... given the experience we collected with the chromium snap
switch where thanks to it the desktop team all of a sudden had a lot of
free cycles and manhours could be put into desktop improvements instead
of maintaining a gazillion of different builds for different releases
of the same browser, i expect that we'll see more and more of the
heavier apps move to a snap default over the next releases. 

it greatly frees up developer time that can be used differently [1]
(i.e to improve upstream GNOME to finally get to a usable state ;) ).


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