Snaps & flatpacks

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Mon Sep 7 13:05:12 UTC 2020

Am Montag, den 07.09.2020, 14:43 +0200 schrieb Liam Proven:
> This is why, for instance, the Snap version of Chromium can't
> configure GNOME Shell extensions. It's not part of the OS: it's in
> its
> own little sealed box, with airholes so it can breathe, but it can't
> interact directly with GNOME Shell.

well, until the correct airhole has been poked to allow chromium to
access the extension API in a secure way ... snaps have interfaces to
interact with the rest of the system. 

the list of possible/available interfaces grows every week and
eventually a "gnome-extensions-control" interface will be added that
allows such access. it is a matter of the manpower of the snapd team or
of a community person to submit a PR that adds this interface (given
that by design gnome extensions monkey-patch the gnome shell javascript
code at runtime, this is a rather non-trival effort though)... 

the point of snaps is not to limit system access of apps to annoy the
user, but to give the user full secure control over what an app can
access. as long as such contol can not be provided securely, the
feature will be locked down indeed ...

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