systemd-journal consume a lot of memory

Colin Law clanlaw at
Fri Sep 4 08:09:09 UTC 2020

On Fri, 4 Sep 2020 at 04:34, Tom Black < at> wrote:
> I have a busy apache web server. but apache should write log by its own
> way, not using systemd-journal, am I right?

Easy enough to find out, I don't use apache myself so I am not sure
what the service is called but if you type
journalctl -u apache
and then hit tab it should autocomplete to something like
apache2.service.  Hit enter and see. If it is a well behaved Ubuntu
app then I expect the log will be picked up by journalctl.  For future
use you don't actually need the .service bit.

By the way please don't top post on this list.  The convention is to
insert your reply at appropriate points in the previous email. Thanks.



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