answers to poor camera quality?

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Thu Sep 3 14:57:29 UTC 2020

Am Donnerstag, den 03.09.2020, 22:16 +1000 schrieb Karl Auer:
> On Tue, 2020-09-01 at 15:23 +0200, Oliver Grawert wrote:
> > i use the guvcview snap for all my camera play-arounds ... 
> >
> I guess my camera doesn't have the necessary tweakable capabilities
> :-(
> I can fiddle with things like exposure, saturation and so on, but not
> resolution, not focus etc. I've had another look at the Windows
> system
> with the same camera, and I'm not sure it is actually much better.
> So my question to you or anyone else: What's a good external camera
> that works well with Linux and v4l2?
that really depends.

if you want to actually invest (beacuse you have daily video
conferences and whatot), i dont think there is anything better than the
logitech BRIO currently. it allows zooming/resolution changes,
focus/aperture adjustments, can go up to 4k and comes with a builtin
stereo mic ... 

...but it has its price ...

beyond that i guess any 720p and upwards USB camera is just fine, the
majority of them should be supported by the uvcvideo driver and should
just work OOTB.

... and if you want something really exotic:


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