Snaps & flatpacks

Jim jf_byrnes at
Thu Sep 3 00:18:02 UTC 2020

I was booted to my Ubuntu 18.4 partition and went to the Software 
Center. Searched for Snaps and a list of Snaps displayed. One of the 
first ones displayed was Sublime Text. I clicked on it and it had 370 
reviews, 300+ were 5 star. I scrolled down and read 8 reviews and there 
was a button that said Show More.  8 more reviews appeared, but then 
there was no button shown and I could see no way to view more reviews. I 
also couldn't see any way to look at reviews of less than 5 stars.

When booted to my Mint 20 install I went to their Software Center and 
clicked on flatpacks. I clicked on VS Code and started to read the 
reviews. The first review was not good. The reviewer said that no 
extensions that require access to external apps would run because they 
were chrooted. He put the blame on the flatpack not VS Code.

So would this be a limitation of flatpacks or how this one was 
implemented and if it was a limitation of flatpacks could a snap have 
the same problem?

Thanks,  Jim

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