Broken apt upgrade (PEBKAC)

jon danniken jondanniken at
Wed Sep 2 19:47:50 UTC 2020

On Wed, Sep 2, 2020 at 9:34 AM Paul Smith <paul at> wrote:
> On Wed, 2020-09-02 at 08:13 -0500, jon danniken wrote:
> I don't suppose there is any way to continue the running processes in a new terminal window?
> No, there is no way to attach a background process to some other terminal, than the one it was started in.  If that terminal is gone, then there's no way to reattach it at all.
> You can kill it then clean up any leftover locks, that's about all you can do.

Thanks Paul.  The system has been repaired by killing the offending
processes, which removed the locks.  Reconfiguring DPKG with "dpkg
--configure -a" brought me back to the point where the user closed the
terminal, and the process completed without issue.

While I did run "apt-get -f install", it had nothing to do besides
point out some packages which needed to be autoremoved.

Thanks again for the help, I do greatly appreciate it.


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