evolution popmail is blocked by gmail OAuth2 security

Charles Irons irons.charles at gmail.com
Wed Sep 2 06:54:16 UTC 2020

Evolution is unable to receive or send my gmail messages.I get error
"Failed to authenticate on POP server pop.gmail.com: Data source
“Chas-gmail” does not support OAuth 2.0 authentication"

Before this I kept getting this request over and over:

"Mail Authentication Request
Please enter the password for the mail account
Chas-gmail: Chas-gmail
User name: irons.charles at gmail.com
Password: *****
tickbox Add password to your keyring"

My gmail password has not been changed.

Gmail says "Evolution is a less secure application"

So I had to change my Receiving email Authentication type to Password from
OAUTH2 (google) every morning and my Sending mail type to Plain.Now when I
edit the Evolution preferences the settings are not saved.

How can I avoid this please?
irons.charles at gmail.com
 Mobile +2783 588 0028
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