freecad version

Gene Heskett gheskett at
Wed Oct 28 08:19:17 UTC 2020

On Tuesday 27 October 2020 21:49:14 R C wrote:

> On 10/27/20 7:44 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > On Tuesday 27 October 2020 15:54:56 R C wrote:
> >> On 10/27/20 1:37 PM, Robert Heller wrote:
> >>> At Tue, 27 Oct 2020 13:04:28 -0600 "Ubuntu user technical support,
> >
> > not for general discussions" <ubuntu-users at> wrote:
> >>>> Hello,
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> does anyone know what version of freecad "comes with"  Ubuntu
> >>>> 20.04 ? (I mean the one that gets installed using  apt-get
> >>>> install freecad)
> >>>>
> >>>> (I assume there is no option to install the newest version, I
> >>>> believe 0.19 ?)
> >>>
> >>> I'm pretty sure the latest 'official' release of freecad is like
> >>> 0.18.4. 0.19.* are all "beta" releases, so they probably are NOT
> >>> going to be picked up by distribution packagers.  If you want a
> >>> newer version you will have to either build from source yourself
> >>> or use the self-contained install executables.   Official
> >>> development of freecad is somewhat "stalled". I think there is
> >>> some sort of effort to kick start the development process...
> >>
> >> Oh really that stalled?   that'd be a bummer.
> >>
> >>
> >> I'd rather install a binary, if there isn't a repo to install it
> >> from.  I have compiled my own stuff, heck even in the day where it
> >> was the only way to run linux/unix.
> >>
> >> But still ..  nowadays I rather just do a straight forward install.
> >>
> >>   From what I hear, there is a 0.19 repo
> >
> > Yes, and 19 has been converted to an AppImage, probably updated
> > weekly. That is where the development is going. AppImage's run
> > anyplace but are big and bulky because they are self-contained,
> > which isolates them from 99% of the os churn. Its been dead stable
> > here thru 3 updates since I discovered the AppImage. Its making my
> > life easier.
> Yes I heard about the AppImage distribution. (there are different
> initiatives doing such things,  doesn't RHEL call it containers?)
They may, but when I figured it out along about fedora 5, that RH 
officially didn't care if they broke fedora uses installs for months at 
a time, I switched to debian based stuff and very carefully have never 
looked back.  My life's job description didn't include being a free lab 
monkey they officially didn't care about if it died. And my life has 
been much more enjoyable since.

> >> thanks.
> >>
> >>>> thanks,
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Ron
> >
> > Cheers, Gene Heskett

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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